UK Docks Marine Services Teesside completes first vessel refit in over 30 years in newly refurbished dry dock

The Arco Beck Suction Dredger vessel owned and operated by Hanson’s Aggregates is the first vessel to dry dock in No 3 dock. The Arco Beck was dry docked so that the owners could carry out 25-year special survey and routine vessel maintenance. Following the docking and survey, a large amount of emergent works was identified on board for the vessels dredging equipment and hull plating. The vessel was stemmed for 25 days and in close cooperation with owners and contractors, UK Docks re-delivered the vessel in 28 days completing well over twice the original planned scope of repairs.

Kevin Ayres, Ship Manager for Hanson Aggregates commented on completion Hanson Aggregates Marine chose UK Docks to dry dock our vessel Arco Beck in order to carry out a 25 year special survey and routine vessel maintenance following a tendering process.

UK Docks completed this work to a high standard and followed up with a comprehensive QA package for reference, along with no higher than expected costs.