UK Docks shortlisted for National Family Business of the Year Award

UK DOCKS has been shortlisted for the National Family Business of the Year Award in recognition of the fact that founder Harry Wilson has grown the company through his children and grandchildren.

Harry founded UK Docks on a single slipway on the Tyne in 1992, and went on to build it into a national company operating across the globe and now run by his three sons, Jonathan, Gary, and Chris, who are all directors.

For decades, Harry and his sons worked together to build the business as UK Docks expanded to take on docks and repair yards on Teesside and on the south coast in Hampshire and Cornwall.

They helped to turn an industry that many thought was in terminal decline into one which was not only capable of surviving but thriving.

But in all that time of growth and expansion, the company has worked hard to maintain a family ethos across multiple sites, and that has seen them shortlisted for this year's National Family Business of the Year Awards.

Keeping it in the family: UK Docks' Harry Wilson and sons, l to r Jonathan, Harry, Gary and Chris

Currently, UK Docks is introducing the third generation of the Wilson family to the company, with Harry’s grandsons Lewis, 20, taking up a position as a Service Engineer and Ewan, 18, in his second year as an Apprentice Maintenance Engineering Technician.

Succession planning is now part of the company’s long-term strategy, with Lewis being exposed to national and international travel representing the company for repair contracts and Ewan travelling across the UK Docks sites to gain experience in activities and procedures as part of a management training programme.

Harry said: “This is the start of our attempt to transfer to the third generation our experience of the business’s operating activities which has been gained collectively by ourselves over the years.

“And it’s great for that to be recognised with this nomination for the National Family Business of the year award.

The winner of the 2025 prestigious title will be decided on a presentation night in South Kensington in London in June, which the family plans to attend.

The company is in the North East and Northern Ireland section of the awards and will be considered for both regional and national awards.

Harry, now in his 80s, who retains a role as chairman of the company, was awarded the MBE last year for his services to the British ship repair and marine services industry.

The Wilsons at Windsor Castle on Harry receiving his MBE, from l to r, Chris, Audrey, Harry, Gary and Jonathan

And while UK Docks has won recognition for its achievements over the years, Harry says the Family Award is a special one to be associated with.

He said: “I’m very proud of what the company has achieved over the years but very proud of how the lads have taken it forward too.

”From the very start, we’ve looked to have a family feel about the company - not just among ourselves - but all the staff and management team.”

Jonathan, who is now the managing director of UK Docks, said: “It’s an honour to be shortlisted and to be mentioned among so many great companies.

“UK Docks is now the biggest, family-owned ship repair and marine services company in the country and the family element couldn’t be more important to us.

“To prosper as a company over the long term, you need a close-knit group of people working hard in the same direction, and we’ve always made that one of our priorities.

The finalists will meet in London on June 18 for a Gala Awards Evening at The Royal Geographical Society in South Kensington.